The Pros and Cons of Refinancing Your Mortgage — Should You Hit Reset To 0?

3 min read

Refinancing your mortgage can be a tempting proposition. It’s essentially taking out a new loan to replace your existing one, potentially with better terms. But is it always the right move? Let’s weigh the pros and cons to help you decide.

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The Pros and Cons of Refinancing Your Mortgage

Pros of Refinancing

Lower Interest Rate

The biggest advantage is potentially securing a lower interest rate. This can lead to significant savings over the life of the loan, freeing up cash flow for other goals.

Shorter Loan Term

Refinancing can allow you to switch to a shorter loan term (like going from a 30-year to a 15-year mortgage). This means you’ll pay off your home loan faster and save on overall interest.

Access Home Equity

Cash-out refinancing lets you tap into the equity you’ve built in your home by receiving a lump sum of cash. This money can be used for various purposes like home renovations, debt consolidation, or educational expenses.

Change Loan Type

If you have an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) and interest rates are rising, refinancing to a fixed-rate mortgage can provide more stability in your monthly payments.

Cons of Refinancing

Closing Costs

Refinancing involves fees like origination charges, appraisals, and title insurance. Make sure the potential savings outweigh these upfront costs.

Not Guaranteed Savings

If current interest rates are close to your existing rate, the savings might be minimal.

Longer Loan Term

While a shorter term saves on interest, opting for a longer term can lower your monthly payments but increase total interest paid.

Potential Risk (Cash-Out)

Using a cash-out refinance increases your overall loan amount and extends the payoff timeline. Make sure you can comfortably afford the higher payments.

Is Refinancing Right for You?

Consider these factors before deciding:

Current Interest Rates

Are they significantly lower than your existing rate?

Loan Term

Do you want to shorten the payoff timeline or free up cash flow with a longer term (carefully!)

Financial Stability

Can you comfortably afford the new monthly payment, especially with a cash-out option?

Consulting with a financial advisor can help you determine if it is good idea or refinancing aligns with your financial goals. They can analyze your situation and recommend the best course of action.


Ivie Yiyue

Davao iPhone is a company founded by Ms. Ivie Yiyue with partnership of While they started in 2015 selling iPhones, they've since pivoted to become a web marketing agency focused on helping Davao businesses grow.

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